Goals & Objectives

Goal 1: Excellence
Employees, administration, and students at all levels will strive to achieve excellence in every area of participation, including maintaining an Exemplary rating as assigned by the Texas Education Agency.

Goal 2: Student Achievement
All students will be prepared to meet the higher standards set by the state. The District will meet needs of students in all fields of study to provide opportunities for all students to master skills for future employment or education upon graduation.

Goal 3: Professionalism
Highly qualified employees at all levels will be accountable for professional performance and conduct toward students, colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community.

Goal 4: Technology
The Board supports the integration of state of the art technology into curriculum at all levels. The Distance Learning Lab will be utilized to expand opportunities for student learning, staff training, and community enrichment.

Goal 5: Facilities - Long Range Planning
The Board actively supports proper maintenance of District facilities and properties. The Board will evaluate facilities and student enrollment trends to establish long-range plans for existing and future facilities.

Goal 6: Safe Schools
The District will provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment for all students and employees. The Board supports an aggressive drug and alcohol intervention and awareness program, which will promote safe and civil schools and a positive learning environment through enforcement of the Student Code of Conduct.

Goal 7: Financial Integrity
The Board will strive to operate within a balanced budget and will explore cost-saving measures to ensure that the District maintains fiscal responsibility and integrity.